Tuesday, March 20, 2018

DOPE penalty

Well... I think Trump is guilty of smuggling a dope...

into the Whitehouse!

“For Steve Mnuchin and Reince Priebus, he was an ‘idiot,’” reads the book.

“For Gary Cohn, he was ‘dumb as shit.’ For H.R. McMaster he was a ‘dope.’ (!!!) The list went on," Wolff wrote.

McMaster Called Trump ‘Dope’ With The Smarts Of A ‘Kindergartner.’

Trump knows VERY LITTLE outside of bullying. IMO, Trump is a 10¢ thug.

He talks tough - when you give him a dime to call someone that cares to even hear his voice.

Perhaps Trump IS an old fart that wants to share.

But I, for one, am not buying any of it. Not even for a dime.

register to vote

and vote!

If you are half as horrified by the trumpster in the dumpster's inept immaturity as the rest of the western world, CHANGE CONGRESS.

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