Monday, October 15, 2018

Put up or Shut Up!

Trump now denies that he offered Elizabeth Warren $1 million to take a DNA test proving her Native American heritage, even though he did!

Warren responded to the president's challenge and released the results of a DNA test showing she has a distant Native ancestor.

Besides this incident, there are 17 other times Donald Trump said one thing and then denied it.

"I didn't say that. You'd better read it again," Trump told reporters at the White House when asked about his $1 million offer.

In a series of tweets on Monday, Warren called on Trump to pay the $1 million to charity.

“NIWRC is a nonprofit working to protect Native women from violence,” Warren said, referring to the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center. “More than half of all Native women have experienced sexual violence, and the majority of violent crimes against Native Americans are perpetrated by non-Natives. Send them your $1M check.”

Warren is viewed as THE Democratic opponent for Trump in 2020 and Trump reiterated his belief he would easily defeat her.

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