Saturday, October 28, 2017

Shoot Jesus, not Smack!

Smack is SLANG.

It's also known as "horse."

I was in Recording Engineers Local 202 for 25 years - you know (Record Plant, CBS Records 120 Howard St, etc).

The "Opium Crisis" is neither a crisis nor is it Opium.

The "Opium Crisis" was Chinese and Buddhist!

The Opium Wars were two wars in the mid-19th century involving disputes over the British Opium trade in China and China's claims of sovereignty.

Trump opened a $60,000 fund to Deal with is. A dew drop in the bucket!

HERE is "What Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about the opioid epidemic"

But, there is a FIX.

Jesus cures homosexuality! Marcus Bachmann's clinics “cure” patients of homosexuality through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

O.K. "Research shows that gay men's brains resemble those of straight women."

First, reject science!

We do NOT need government intervention in what is clearly a Christian (Church) issue!

This whole issue smacks of socialism! (sarcasm)

We can NOT divert money away from Trump Golf Courses to what is clearly a spiritual issue. Ditto for health care - we just won't have it!

Opioid therapy is the cornerstone of management of severe chronic pain in the field of palliative care medicine such as terminal cancer. We MUST let the dying writhe in pain so they do not become "addicts."

The simple answer is the fool's answer.

Yes, Bayer Promoted Heroin for Children -- Here Are The Ads That Prove It

Heroin was a trademarked medicine by the Bayer company in the early 1900s

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