Friday, September 8, 2017

Autocracy or Kleptocracy?

The autocratic methods Trump used in business do not translate to governing.

Eight months in, Trump has few significant mileposts in advancing his agenda.

While many Obama-era regulations have been undone, big-ticket legislative items (repeal and replace) have hit the wall.

The reason is that what may have worked for Donald Trump in private business are ineffective in the White House.

One example is that Trump had a reputation for encouraging competition among his staff, believing that conflict leads to creativity.

As a reality-TV star, Trump mastered the art of manipulating the media — which he used to great in the otherwise lackluster GOP primary.

However, having won, hogging headlines is less important than crafting a logical media narrative.

While debate behind the scenes can be useful for a competent political administration, strident public divisions undermine the executive branch.

The owner of a private company can demand whatever action he wants within the bounds of the law; the president is limited by the constitution.

Without the bipartisan cooperation of Congress, the president cannot advance a legislative agenda.

On congressional legislation, an isolated president like Trump has only the veto.

With Trump, there is no unified message — just a series of tantrums and attacks.

Moreover, a megalomaniac drunk on vitriol only trashes the Trump’s approval ratings.

Trump hampers the ability of the Administrative branch of government to recruit and maintain top-tier talent. Who, with any sense of esteem, would work for such a dishonest jerk?

Much of the presidential image of the Obama years rested upon a president with a cool national persona. He was called “no drama” Obama.

American politics is a team sport, and the executive branch is a team within a team.

Donald Trump has yet to learn the role of a team leader. And, for him, it may be too late!

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