Sunday, October 11, 2015

Once upon a time...

...there may have been life - but that was hundreds of billions of years - and thousands of simulations - ago!

The Simulated Universe Argument suggests that the universe we inhabit is an elaborate emulation of the real universe. Everything, including the people, animals, plants and bacteria are part of the simulation. The simulation also extends further than the Earth: all the planets, asteroids, comets, stars, galaxies, black holes, nebula and other space debris are also part of the simulation: in fact our entire Universe is a simulation running inside an extremely advanced computer system designed by a super intelligent species which lives in a parent universe.


None of this is new, news, or recent. (See my past postings)

This simulation has extremely "tight limits" on the variations of the light quark masses...

There are thousands of universes in which there are no observers.

We watch. We measure. We report.

In the year 1773, after an obscurity lasting 1500 years, the Scottish explorer James Bruce, discovered in what is now Ethiopia, The Book of Enoch.

Download it

It is called the Ethiopian Book of Enoch, because the book is best known from some forty manuscripts from Ethiopia. There are other fragments of the book in Hebrew (is that a language?) or Aramaic and even some Ugaritic fragments.

The geographical sites described in Enoch and the myth in Isa 14:12 15 recall the story of Athtar from Ugarit. In other words, Enoch is a VERY old text that seems to predate Torah (Nomos).

You might not care (as I don't really care - one way or the other).

But it seems that we exist to observe. Simple. If this is correct, it explains one thing. If this is incorrect, it explains another.

The TWINS - Gemini - are called "First Man" (Adam) and "First Woman" (Eve) in the Ethiopian Zodiac. In the "Great Ages" theory this makes sense... in the time of Adam and Eve is another allusion to the precession of the Zodiac. The modern Zodiac may have been the Greek version but there were many far earlier versions (Sumer, India, China). The stories are usually hand-me-downs as well (e.g. flood of Noah and Nu Wa).

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