Sunday, June 9, 2019

Tired of Trump?

Duh Donald, King of the whopper, had his "official visit."

Sixty-two percent of the millennials - Americans ages 18 to 37 - surveyed by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion said they disapprove of Trump's job performance.

Is Nancy Pelosi tired of winning yet?

Recent months have seen stories about Millennials—currently about 22 to 38 years old—getting sober and staying sober.

And, millennials are tired of trump!

The silver platters were the same used at every White House event, but they offered something different: burgers, pizza and fries.

“Many, many French fries,” said President Trump, standing by candlelit tables piled with McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King and Domino’s Pizza. “It’s all good stuff, great American food."


Yes. For Puerto Rico, Trump Declares Himself Its Savior.

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