Thursday, March 21, 2019

Lizards and rattlesnakes

Let's face it, there are a lot of concepts that the uninformed right wing does not understand because they CAN NOT understand.

The uninformed like this map:

It shows that the majority of vacant lots, deserts, and wasteland tends to lean red (conservative).

The uninformed do not like this map:

It shows that 3/5ths of the POPULATION tends to lean blue (liberal). PEOPLE vote, not lizards and rattlesnakes!

Let's face it, this is a concept that the uninformed right wing does not understand because they have no ability to do so.

Trump trashes someone and Trump-bots follow along...

Trump-bots have watched Duh Donald turn on DOZENS of people since he was elected. Yet, they do not remember because they often lack the ability to remember.

Trump has turned the white house into the out house. It stinks because HE stinks. And the poor souls that work for Duh Donald have to put up with a lot of sh*t on a daily basis.

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