Monday, December 24, 2018

a paranoid isolate

Donald Trump, now a paranoid isolate, feels like it’s him against the world.

He has fewer people at his side who he trusts and far fewer people at his side in general.

Trump is increasingly isolated and paranoid as he keeps bleeding away his advisers, staff, and cabinet secretaries.

Jim Mattis, the defense secretary, is the fourth member of President Trump’s cabinet to resign or be forced out in less than two months (and the third in less than two weeks).

Veteran advisers who once tried to contain Trump’s worst instincts have resigned or been fired.

As a result, Trump is retreating to watching more FAUX television than ever before.

Trump’s “presidential” day now starts at “roughly 11 many mornings” when he is not playing golf.

Trump leaves FAUX Snews on in the West Wing so he can constantly keep track of what is being said about him.

Trump has been telling his few remaining associates that he feels “totally and completely abandoned.” (Blames the victims of his firings, those who gave up on him, or those foolish enough to ever try to work for him)

And that feeling now extends to his family.

The jealous man-who-would-be-president is getting increasingly paranoid that those around him have ulterior motives. (They should only be motivated by their desire to praise Trump) That even extends to his son-in-law, who recently received more praise than Elizabeth Trump’s grandson for helping to pass the criminal justice bill.

All praise unto Trump! On your knees, hapless fools!

If dynomite was snot, the Trump's together would not have enough to blow ONE nose, let alone the lot.

Some folks have "Georgia on [their] mind." Not the trumpster in the dumpster.

If there is one obvious thing that Trump is NOT filling, it isthe White House!

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