Monday, September 24, 2018

Watching TV

Trump's schedule released to Axios differs from schedules the White House sends to the media every day.

Trump has designated "Executive Time" from 8:00 to 11:00 in the Oval Office, but actually spends these hours in his residence watching FAUX television and tweeting.

At about 11:00, Trump takes the first meeting of the day, which is typically an intelligence briefing.

During the day he has a couple of meetings, with "Executive Time" interspersed, and returns to the residence at about 18:00, says Axios.

This unscheduled "Executive Time" during the work day is spent in the dining room next to the Oval Office where the president watches cable news.

In one example, the president's schedule began at 11:00 with "Policy Time", then "Executive Time" at 12:00, an hour for lunch, followed by more "Executive Time" from 13:30.

At the beginning of his tenure, Trump would hold breakfast meetings in the Roosevelt Room, but he has since pushed the start of his day back later and later as his television viewing increased.

Today, Rob Rosenstein, met with Mr. McGahn, to resign on amicable terms.

But Mr. McGahn, who is leaving the White House when the Kavanaugh nomination is concluded, reminded Mr. Rosenstein of his own short-term status.

Two people described the “conflict” about Rosenstein’s fate, believing that yet another departure before the midterm elections in November would be "bad for the president."

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