Sunday, August 5, 2018

not quite

Minutes before a man (depicted immediately below) killed 10 people in Toronto (by driving a van into them), he posted on his Facebook page “The Incel Rebellion has already begun. We will overthrow the Chads and Stacys. All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger.”

Call it a temporary morbid curiosity about incels. “Involuntary celibates,” are 'men’s rights' activists who blame women for their inability to find sexual partners. Incels want male supremacy (like the Taliban), support rape, and have committed several mass murders motivated by their ideologies.

The incel community exists primarily online, on forums such as 4chan and reddit, and because of this, incels are able to remain anonymous and unaccountable, leading them to the extremes of misogynistic behavior.

The ‘manosphere’—mostly situated on Reddit—includes groups like ‘Redpill,’ a subculture that aims to ‘awaken’ men to their supposed oppression.

Among the “incel” movement, there is a pathological fixation on sex and women, and a self-pitying perception that everyone else, except the community of “incels,” is having sex. The incel plays "the victim" in a perceived prison of Gynocentrism.

Women are craved, but they are also reviled for what the incels believe is their selective promiscuity: Stacys seem to be having sex with everyone but them. But for almost everyone, rejection is hard to deal with. Incels JUST DON'T GET that lesson.

This is internalized as a grave personal insult. The function of the “incel” movement is to transform that personal grievance into an ideology that casts women as despicable sexual objects.

The core emotion is sexual shame. It’s not just sexual frustration; it’s psychotic shame. Incels are resentful of the (perceived) sexual success of others. Lacking social skills (remember, many of these folks have "Asperger's*.") incels gravitate toward an online subculture to rationalize their shame and redirect the blame for their failure onto Stacys or join ISIS/ISIL. Again, the online INCEL community is a vortex of deapair! It is actually counterproductive. (*Asperger syndrome is on the “high functioning” end of the autism spectrum.)

The incel subculture takes the bitterness and sadness most feel when faced with sexual and romantic frustrations and turns this misery into a mode of being.

Incels love/hate women and themselves to a nearly equal degree. And, the incel subculture encourages both kinds of hatred. It has transformed men dealing with depression — or ordinary unhappiness — into a veritable underground army of angry, bitter misogynists who feel they have nothing to live for in our “gynocentric” society.

Quran promises 72 virgins to martyrs, is that right? According to Manji and many others, it is not true. Several scholars studying Quran suggest that the word used in the holy book does not promise virgins, but lush raisins! So, all those idiots died for for 72 raisins. (Perhaps there IS a god in heaven after all! LOL)

[The recruiters] actively look for broken individuals who they can promise acceptance, identity, a wife, and success. Because these people are socially awkward — not fitting in — they are easy targets for ISIS, Trump, and the alt.right.

The gods must love simple fools. They made them in great excess!

tomorrow: a couple of SERIOUS suggestions by which incels can free themselves from their demons -- or more precisely, from their self-imposed imprisonment (improve their perspective)

Same bat time, same bat channel...

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