Thursday, May 16, 2019

One-trick Phony

If the election were held today, Duh Donald would carry 10 states + a few.

Veterans have had it with the trumpster in the dumpster.

Like "W," Trump wants to start a war to get re-elected.

The phony on his dog-and-pony show is pandering to the limited.

His latest plan is to turn the 4th of July celebration in D.C. into the "Celebration of Trump."

On the economy, Obama owns Trump!

On the republican "right to life," Trump is married to a Roman Catholic on Birth Control.

And, with the NRA (compromised by Ruskies...)...

I will concede that Trump recently passed through an all-time high approval period - 45.1%.

Oh, I forgot. News that does not agree with Trump's perverted perception is "fake news."

Face it - the president is a bloated buffoon.

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